1. Name of the location of 90% of epistaxis
2. A genetic disorder that forms AV malformations in the skin, lungs, brain etc
3. Name of posterior vascular plexus in the nasal cavity causing posterior epistaxis
4. 1st line treatment for all epistaxis
5. The common brand name for anterior nasal packing
6. Chemical used in cautery sticks
7. Physically scaring complication of posterior nasal packing with foleys catheter
Coming soon..
FNE - Fibreoptic Nasendoscopy
Nasendoscopy is a diagnostic procedure. It can help to investigate the upper aerodigestive tract for everything from nasal foreign body through to malignancy. The ability to perform a FNE is an essential skill for ENT surgeons, who often rely heavily on this quick, inexpensive and relatively simple/safe procedure.
During the procedure a small flexible endoscope is used to visualise and examine the nasal cavity, the nasoparhynx, the oropharynx and the laryngo-pharynx. The area to be examined is illuminated by light from fibreoptic cables within the scope, and images transmitted to either a viewing port on the end of the scope or to a monitor. Video or photographs of the examination can be made.​
Common indications
Nasal Cavity
Recurrent epistaxis
Chronic sinusitis
Suspected nasal polyps
Suspected malignancy
Suspected malignancy
Foreign body ingestion (e.g. fishbone)
Lingual/pharyngeal tonsil pathology
Obstructive sleep apnoea
Pre-operative vocal cord check prior to thyroidectomy
Post-operative assessment of pharyngeal grafts/FESS patients
Difficult/complicated NG tube insertion (e.g. laryngectomy patients)
Only to be performed by SpR/Consultant/ Experienced personnel due to risk of inducing laryngospasm/ further airway compromise
Croup/paraglottic disease:
Discuss with SpR/senior – only to be performed if symptoms suggest anatomic or congenital abnormalities
Relative contraindications:
Craniofacial trauma:
Discuss with ENT SpR/Senior – weigh benefits against risk of potential exacerbation of nasopharyngeal injuries
Discuss with ENT SpR/Senior - increased risk of bleeding with minor trauma during the procedure
Flexible fibreoptic nasendoscope
Light source
Camera and video screen (if applicable)
Personal protective equipment (non-sterile gloves + consider eye/mouth protection)
Topical decongestant/anaesthetic spray (Co-Phenylcaine)
Lubrication gel
Alcohol wipe
Kidney dish
Note: Take care not to drop or knock the nasendoscope, light lead or light source: these are sensitive and expensive pieces of equipment. Use a trolley if you are transporting the equipment elsewhere.
The procedure can be broken down into four stages, preparation, passing the nasendoscopy, examination and recording of findings.
Stage 1: Preparation
Talk to the patient: -
Explain the procedure
Risks: It is uncomfortable (like having their nose picked a bit too far back); it makes their eyes water and may make them sneeze; If local anaesthetic spray is used warn them it tastes bitter AND they cannot have food or drink for one to two hours after; rarely they may react to the topical spray
Benefits: It gives a lot of important information quickly
Obtain informed verbal consent
Obtain equipment as listed above
Check the light source, then connect the scope to the light source/screen ⱡ*
Position the patient: -
Sit upright, head slightly flexed and resting on a support
Give them some tissues and a bowl
Squirt some lubricant jelly on tissues
Where indicated use topical anaesthetic spray into one or both nostrils
Note: The majority of patients tolerate the scope without any spray
If there is a lot of nasal oedema and mucus on initial inspection Co-Phenylcaine or Xylometazoline (OtrivineTM) spray may help reduce this after a few minutes
Stage 2: Passing the nasendoscope
Get the patient to sniff and tell you which nasal passage they think is more patent
Put on non-sterile gloves
Examine and assess the patency of each nostril and determine which would be easier to attempt
For nasal conditions, you will need to visualise both nasal passages. For examination of the throat, you can use only one side
Hold the scope in your dominant hand
Movement of the tip is approximately 90 degrees about the vertical plane only
The mechanism can be operated with either the thumb or index finger. Either is acceptable and is entirely user dependent ​

Check orientation and white balance
Using something with writing is easiest for this e.g. the back of the white lubricant jelly sachet
Apply a small amount of lubricant jelly to the end of the scope (about 2cms away from the tip so as not to obscure the camera)
Touch the tip of the scope on the patient’s tongue or use the alcohol wipe to reduce fogging
Ask the patient to breathe deeply through their nose when moving from nasopharynx to oropharynx as this opens up their soft palate.
Stage 3: Examination
With your non-dominant hand, hold the end of the scope (just proximal to where you have applied the lubricant jelly) between your thumb and index finger.
Technique varies so find what suites you best.
Gently guide the tip of the scope through the chosen nostril, resting your middle and or ring finger of your non-dominant hand on the patient's nose/cheek
Advance the scope under direct visualisation in a horizontal direction along the nasal floor
Following the junction between the nasal septum and floor is the easiest path
Stay below the inferior turbinate to ensure correct placement
Assess and observe for any abnormal anatomy or pathology – take pictures ⱡ if appropriate
The first resistance you should meet is the posterior pharyngeal wall
Angle/direct the tip of the scope downwards (and slightly medially) using the switch
If fogging occurs, gently touch the tip of the scope to the posterior pharyngeal wall OR ask the patient to swallow
Slowly advance the scope forward until the larynx come into full view
Assess and observe for any abnormal anatomy/pathology -– take pictures ⱡ if appropriate
Observe for movement of the vocal cords and airway patency with breathing and phonation
Perform the following manoeuvres to improve visibility:
Asking the patient to protrude their tongue allows examination of the tongue base/valleculae
Asking the patient to blow their cheeks out gives a clearer view of the pyriform fossae
Asking the patient to say “eeeeee” or counting numbers allows assessment of the vocal cords – they should symmetrically ADduct against each other in the midline; breathing ABduct the cords equally
Examine for:
Asymmetry; Abnormal growths; Increased erythema/hyperaemia; Ulceration.
Take pictures +/- video if appropriate
Once happy, slowly withdraw the scope under direct vision, and once again examine for abnormal anatomy/pathology on the way out
Stage 4: Record your findings
Document the procedure and any findings in the patient’s notes (it is usually advised to add a visualised sketch to the notes, identifying all the major structures mentioned above
If pictures were taken, these should be printed and attached to the patient’s notes with a patient sticker (see the following section for details)
Comment on the following when documenting:
Entry: Easy or difficult
Presence of any septal abnormalities
Presence of any polyps (grade I-III)
Comment on the tongue base
The epiglottis i.e. presence of oedema/erythema/epiglottitis
The vocal cords:
Position and whether movement occurs symmetrically or asymmetrically
Presence of nodules? (bilateral nodules are usually benign i.e. singer’s nodules
Presence of cord swelling? i.e. Reinke’s oedema
Presence of any plaques or candidiasis
The vallecula
The arytenoids (inflamed in GORD)
Folds: Vestibular fold, vocal fold and aryepiglottic fold
Abnormalities should be reviewed by a senior
Arrangements should be made for formal microlaryngoscopy/ panendoscopy +/- biopsy where an abnormality is detected
Note: When using the portable scopes from theatre, complete the two self-explanatory sheets with patient labels (one to stay in the notes, the other to return with the scope)
Note: When using SDMU/Ward scope, a cleaning traceability sticker should also be kept in the patient’s notes
Post Procedure
If local anaesthetic spray used, warn the patient not to eat and drink for one to two hours until the local anaesthetic wears off
If the patient feels faint, lie them backwards and raise their legs