1. Name of the location of 90% of epistaxis
2. A genetic disorder that forms AV malformations in the skin, lungs, brain etc
3. Name of posterior vascular plexus in the nasal cavity causing posterior epistaxis
4. 1st line treatment for all epistaxis
5. The common brand name for anterior nasal packing
6. Chemical used in cautery sticks
7. Physically scaring complication of posterior nasal packing with foleys catheter
Coming soon..
Graduate Entry Medicine Study Guide for ENT
This page incorporates information on study opportunities during your course in Swansea, the syllabus that you need to cover, and the Medical Licensing Assessment that will be starting up for the September 2020 cohort of students.
With the MLA on the horizon for students, we are in a period of transition from our home grown syllabus, based upon the needs of FY1 doctors, to that based around the additional requirements of the GMC. This does not vary significantly from our current syllabus but has a few additions.
Students visiting this page who are already studying in Swansea and who will qualify in or before summer 2024 will continue to use the old syllabus. Anyone looking to qualify in 2024/25 will also need to review the MLA list.
Click on the links below to jump to the relevant section on this page for your needs.
Study Opportunities in Swansea
During your time studying at Swansea University you will encounter a number of dedicated ENT teaching days or weeks.
Ear Disease, Disorders of Balance, and Acute ENT Conditions
This week is in Year 2 but the exact date varies at times so it isn't published here. See you timetable for more information.
The week is a mixture of didactic, practical, and tutorial sessions that look principally at hearing loss, balance disorders, examination of the ear, and some selected ENT diseases emergencies.
Head and Neck Day​
This is in Year 3 and usually in the first teaching week of that year.
The day teaches on head and neck cancer, stridor, tracheostomy and dysphonia.
SSMS (Subspecialties of Medicine and Surgery)
SSMS is one of the eight Specialty Attachments in years 3 and 4. You will spend a week in the ENT Department during this block.
The placement will consist of teaching clinics, theatre sessions and ENT tutorials to give you a real taste for the variety of the speciality.
SSMS Club on Friday afternoons will consist of a number of 25-minute tutorials on important ENT topics. Below are links to the topics covered.
Use these resources to prepare for the ENT session in SSMS Club. Read the tutorial and come to each session with questions on the topic.
Current word events have created a degree of variance in the student experience that we are not accustomed to. To negate the differences in experience, we have created a ENT workbook that can act as a checklist of completion. Feel free to download this workbook by clicking the link below.
GEM syllabus for students qualifying in or before summer 2024
The short list below shows the ENT learning outcomes for the Graduate Entry Program up to summer 2024. You will have exposure to ENT in Years 2, 3 and 4 via a combination of teaching weeks, ICM sessions, anatomy sessions, this website and in the Speciality Attachment blocks.
As you go through your course you will see these signposted and, by the end, you will have covered them all.
The outcomes here are colour coded. This allows you to easily identify the corresponding tutorials on this site that are particularly important and directly feed into that outcome. These are areas you may be assessed on. Some diseases or conditions cross more than one outcome and are represented in a multichromatic fashion. The website also contains pages that are not covered by these outcomes. These pages are for interest and allow you to deepen your knowledge of a topic.
Select the tutorials tab above to view all tutorials.

Medical Licensing Assessment
The GMC is introducing a Medical Licensing Assessment (MLA) for all students graduating in the Academic year 2023-24. For Swansea’s course this means students joining us from September 2020. The GMC website has more information on this, here.
The GMC will assess your knowledge via an online system. This will be called the Applied Knowledge Test (AKT). The Medical School will run its Clinical and Professional Skills Assessment (done as an OSCE in Swansea) as usual, alongside this.
Here is a list of the topics required by the GMC as of 2020. All of these topics will be found on the ENTEducationSwansea.org website. Just follow the links.
The GMC split the syllabus into two broad categories: presentations and conditions. When reviewing the syllabus, you will see that some topics are written into more than one ‘specialty’ section. For example, the topic ‘Painful ear’ is seen in the ENT, GP, and Child Health sections, because that symptom may present to more than one specialty of medicine.
All topics have been chosen as those that may present to a doctor in their first appointment within the UK Foundation Programme.