1. Name of the location of 90% of epistaxis
2. A genetic disorder that forms AV malformations in the skin, lungs, brain etc
3. Name of posterior vascular plexus in the nasal cavity causing posterior epistaxis
4. 1st line treatment for all epistaxis
5. The common brand name for anterior nasal packing
6. Chemical used in cautery sticks
7. Physically scaring complication of posterior nasal packing with foleys catheter
Coming soon..
Quiz - Outer Ear
You should do this quiz before you read the text above. You can do the quiz a second time once you have read the tutorial and this will give you some idea of how much you have learned.
1. Give a name to all of the parts of the pinna labelled.
2. Label the structures visible on or through the eardrum
3. Just to make you think a bit harder. In question 2 you labeled five structures attached to the drum or visible through the drum. What is the function of 1, 2, 4, and 5?
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